Thursday, 20 January 2011

Semester 1 - done!

Wheeeeee!  Completed the 1st semester of my degree program now - struggled to get the last couple of pieces of work handed in (thank you flu!!!) and now enjoying my week off before the new semester starts.

So far, I know I've passed at least one of my modules lol - although I wonder what an A & B average out as when they both carry a 50% weighting....not that it should matter, passing is passing and it doesn't count towards my final degree score, but getting a B actually bums me out lol.  Never mind, my effective interaction is complete - onwards and upwards!

The one I'm most concerned about is Anatomy - seriously struggled on the last essay, maybe something to do with the fact we basically crammed an entire stonking textbook's worth of body systems into LESS THAN 3 MONTHS!!!  Not that I'm  but having to write stupid essays that I know won't even get graded, just doing them purely to complete my portfolio, while suffering with flu is not fun!

Reflexology should be ok - got an A for my practical work, which should be the main concern anyway (I mean, if you can't do the practical side then what's the point in knowing the theory? It ain't gona help your clients!!)  I won't get anymore than a D- (ugh!) for my essay, but I can thank the flu for that again.

Hmmm, what else?  Oooooh yea - Aromatherapy!  The class starts next week and I'm soooooooo sososo excited!  I've even collected a number of the recommended texts from the library already lol.

Now if I could just get rid of this damn tonsillitis......!

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