Thursday, 20 January 2011

Sore throats

Just while I'm posting, I thought I'd share one of my favourite home-made herbal remedies for tackling a sore throat....

Can use either dried or fresh sage leaves - I tend to use the dried as they're much easier to find and I've not come across anything yet that says either fresh or dried is significantly better.

I just add about a teaspoon (I say "about" as I never really measure it, I just judge the amount by eye) of the dried leaves into a little tea strainer and let it stew in freshly boiled water (about a pint) for 30 mins, before allowing to cool and pouring into an empty bottle.  I prefer using one of those water bottles with the sports cap - just seems so much easier whenever you want to use the sage infusion.

I did read recently that you can drink it hot like a tea, adding honey to taste, but I prefer using it like a mouthwash - not so tasty for swallowing this way lol, but I can feel the antiseptic effect working on my sore throat when I gargle.  It does look a little unappetising (dare I suggest it looks like pee?!?) but it definitely works.  I think it lasts for about a week if you keep it refrigerated, but I use it so often that it usually only lasts me a couple of days before I need to make up a fresh brew....

Between that and the honey I've been eating off the spoon, I'm hoping my symptoms will disappear soon - I make for a very impatient patient when I'm ill!

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